MunkyDust is: Matt Kennedy, Ryan Tripp, Matt Carpenter and Brady Willard. Alternative / Pop / Punk / Rock .

Late Breaking News!!


Jan. 2002

Sorry I haven't updated this thing in a while. MunkyDust released a new song called "F Word" over the summer of 01... Please go to MunkyDust's site to check it out.

Matt C is still at BYU all fall/spring, Brady is always in California except for sporadic trips out here.

Please go to for more updated information or contact us at the following email addresses:

Matt C -
Ryan -
Matt K -
Brady -

Warning...MunkyDust will f you up like in a car crash. 

MunkyDust factoids... (A little background on the band)
MunkyDust was formed in the summer of 1997, after Matt Kennedy left the Todd Lilje/Jon Leinwand/Jeff West band as drummer. A reluctant Kennedy joined MunkyDust after about a year of pestering from Tripp. The band's first ever playing together as a group was on August 30, 1997 with Rick Loftus' band, "Bluesplotation", including Leo Viche and Andy Jarms. (On a personal note from the author of this web page, Matt Kennedy, I would like to say that meeting Matt Carpenter and Brady Willard was like meeting a distant relative. You just don't know what to say, and you think that if you do it will make you sound like the biggest moron if you say anything wrong.)
The band's history did go well before that, though. Kennedy met with Tripp in 1995 in Human Biology, but others met years earlier. Joe Smith is a sellout and Matt Carpenter went to Tucson High School for a year, selling out the band during his sophomore year, but those have little relevance, so keep reading...
Lastly, are some extra things we would like to tell you...
"Do you know what you do with the kitchen pudding? You spread it all around" -A drunk bum that came out of the woodwork near Udall Park to hear us play.


"If you catch of fire, don't look at yourself in the mirror" -Ryan, stolen from SNL's Deep Thoughtse Board.